Sky Club

  • Calm Energy

    “I need to be alert but not wired. This helped me through my red eye flights” – Jamie M.

  • Easy to take

    "I love that this product is made with me in mind. There's alot of products on the market, but this one addresses flight attendants needs specifically.” – Sarah T.

  • Quality

    “It works for me. My jet lag has been noticeably less.” – Raul S.

  • On the Go

    “I throw it in my carry-on. The individual packets makes it easy to pack. I used to carry ziplock bags of different vitamins and herbs.” – John P.


Health to Go

Quality Ingredients

The most important aspect of our business is to give your body ingredients that help it thrive.

Utilizing Nature for Modern Day Lifestyles

We fly like the birds, but our bodies are not designed for that. Flying is a stressor, and we need to make sure we give our bodies the natural compounds it needs to stay healthy and thrive.

Ingredients with Purpose

The second most important aspect of our business is to create a product that addresses the specific concerns of frequent fliers. Whether you commute to work, keep passengers safe, or fly the plane, we have a solution for your needs.

  • Energy

    For non-leisure travel, you need to be alert and focused without the dreaded caffeine or sugar crash by the end of the flight. Nature has given us many plants that will get us through the day feeling uplifted.

  • Cognitive Function

    Your demanding job requires you to operate at your best. Brain health is crucial to how you react to situations under stress. Being able to think faster and recall quicker makes your job easier.

  • Immunity

    Being locked in an aircraft with lots of strangers will test your immune system. Support the body's natural response,

  • UV Exposure

    Through the window as a passenger or through the windshield as a pilot, you are exposed to damaging UV rays that our bodies are not designed to endure. Protect your cells by adding certain nutrients to your body.

  • Stress

    No one has ever said that their trip to the airport was fun. Frequent fliers put their bodies through a stress state every time they fly. Adaptogens help the body switch gears and deal with changes without overwhelm.

  • Inflammation

    Inflammation is a natural response from the body when it needs to heal itself. With all of the daily stressors our bodies encounter, we need to add compounds that prevent chronic inflammation which is a known precursor to many health problems.

  • Circadian Rythm

    Flying across timezones causes Circadian Rhythm Disruption (CRD). Symptoms of CRD is fatigue, insomnia, disorientation, headaches, digestive problems, and lightheadedness. Counteract CRD with adaptogens and relaxants that assist the body in dealing with these circadian stressors.

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